The great gatsby
Gatsby was an English commoner who was the second in line after the great William the Confessor to the throne. During the reign of King William the Good, he organized many religious festivals and fairs, which were celebrated throughout the litchapter whole of the kingdom. As a sovereign, in 1015, after the death of Eadwald the Fearless, King Harold the Good made an attempt to take over the kingship of Northumbria and West Mercia, but the hopes of the people of that Kingdom were not to be realized. After he had won the battle of the Teutons in 1016, there was general peace throughout the realm, but war broke out when the king sought to conquer what was then known as the Deira â Feud with the English and the people of the British dominions. During the conflict, the leaders of the English and the people of the Deira led a brief but successful campaign to take control of the country and eventually turn the tables in their favor to the English. The conflict was won, in part, because the king Harold the Good was killed in battle with his main force at the site of Gatsby’s grave.
The great gatsby story
During the time that the king of the Deira was suffering from various diseases and incurable illnesses, his daughter Eadbulf sent two of her young boys to him to pray for aid in recovering. Unfortunately, Harold the Good of the Deira was sick and was ill, and he remained bed-neged for several days, before he finally succumbed and he was succeeded by his younger brother Eadweard the Great. The young prince developed an unspeakable sense of duty and showed great responsibility in life, and his outstanding leadership skills were highly encouraged by the people of the Deira. When Eadwald the Good came to the court, he was welcomed with great joy and many presents were presented to him. On his deathbed, the king had arranged for the building of a church and dedicated it to him. His body was kept in the holy treasury of the kingdom, and a great congregation was made there to mark the occasion. In later years, Eadwald the Good would attempt to add to the spiritual development of the Deira â how so much progress could be made in that person’s lifetime?